In a heartwarming event at Bahay Kalinga, Quezon City last November 29, 2023, the spirit of Christmas was brought to life through the Capitol Carols program. A total of 93 children, who have faced deprivation and abuse, were given a special opportunity to receive gift packages from Kirimana Consultants Limited, the major sponsor of the event, an Exceptional client of Rensol Recruitment and Consulting, Inc. from the beautiful land of New Zealand. The generous initiative was made possible with the collaboration of Rensol Recruitment and Consulting Inc., Junior Chamber International – Quezon City Capitol, Quezon City Social Services Development Department, and Mckay who traveled all the way from New Zealand to join hands in spreading the joy of the season.
Kirimana Consultants Limited took the lead as the major sponsor in providing the Gift packages, making it possible for the children at Bahay Kalinga to experience the magic of Christmas. The collaborative effort extended beyond borders, with Rensol Recruitment and Consulting, Inc., Junior Chamber International – Quezon City Capitol, and Quezon City Social Services Development Department paved the way for a memorable day filled with laughter, joy, and the true spirit of giving.
The children at Bahay Kalinga were overjoyed to witness the outpouring of love from people who cared about their well-being. The gift packages provided a tangible representation of hope and joy, a reminder that they are not alone in their journey. The smiling faces of the children illuminated the room as they eagerly received the thoughtful presents.
Expressing their gratitude, the children showcased their talents through energetic dances, creating an atmosphere of celebration and unity. The sponsors, moved by the genuine happiness of the children, joined in the festivities, making the occasion even more special.
Inside the carefully curated gift packages (Thanks to the steadfast support of Puregold Timog Avenue) the children discovered not only essential items but also a powerful message of love and support. The initiative went beyond material gifts; it was about creating lasting memories and instilling a sense of hope in the hearts of these young souls.
To add an extra touch of magic to the day, members of the 501st Legion Philippine Garrison made a surprise appearance, dressed in iconic Star Wars costumes. The children were thrilled to interact with these fictional heroes, adding an element of fantasy to the already enchanting day.
The Capitol Carols event at Bahay Kalinga truly encapsulated the essence of the holiday season – the joy of giving. Rensol and Kirimana together with the organizations with generous hearts demonstrated the profound impact that can be achieved when communities come together with a shared goal of making a difference in the lives of those in need. The sweetest melody heard that day was not just the carols but the harmonious notes of compassion and kindness reverberating through the hearts of everyone present. Indeed, it is a successful event wherein we plant the seed of hope, creating lasting smiles, and making them dream bigger.