Tag Archive for: Healthcare

Nowadays, keeping up with the competition and trends is essential to attract more leads. There are current and rising trends in the recruitment markets. Recently, Medical and Healthcare is the top industry and one of the hardest to find.

Rensol Recruitment and Consulting, Inc grows the demand through innovative recruitment strategies. Increasing the efforts in expanding connections in the healthcare industries. Carefully determine the perfect fit employer using the rising adoption of technologies and establishing good relationships with the previous networks.

Physiological Measurements Ltd. had been working with Rensol since 2017. Before the COVID surge, Rensol Recruitment and Consulting, Inc. tied a long-term commitment with the former. Rensol Recruitment successfully deployed healthcare workers to the United Kingdom. Maximizing the expectations of the candidates by providing them with a very well-established healthcare company like PML.

Rensol deployed sonographers and constantly looking forward to serving PML with top-quality healthcare professionals. Rensol nurtured the relationship between Physiological Measurements Ltd. and was able to get another Job order for Sleep technicians.

On 8TH of May 2023, exceptional candidates for the required position have been personally interviewed by the PML employer. It is their propitious time to show off their knowledge and skills in that specific field, especially in the era of the competitive world.

Moreover, a business meeting was held in the Rensol Office last May 9, 2023, to furtherly talk about the progress and future plans of Physiological Measurements Ltd together with Rensol Recruitment and Consulting, Inc.

Competition in acquiring healthcare as a client in the recruitment industry is becoming crucial. However, the progression of Rensol’s 360 recruitment process and solutions is continuing and results in meeting the end goal of maintaining connections with the clients.

For more inquiries and future projects with us:

Email us on: arnold@rensol.com | solutions@rensol.com | cjpili@rensol.com


Dependency on Filipino nurse is an essential part of the Saudi Arabian healthcare system. The country faces a real shortage of medical care service providers. Many big hospitals in Saudi are on the rise and most of which are suffering from providing quality care due to nurse shortage. Most hospitals have chosen the path of importing professional labor to satisfy their needs for the necessary nurse.

Recruitment of nurses from third world countries has been the solution to fill in the requirement for qualified nurses. While Saudi perceives third world countries as a gold mine to recruit nurses, nurses from these countries see Saudi Arabia as a stepping stone to the western world, such as a career in the United Kingdom and the United States.

Is it safe to live and work as a Filipino nurse in Saudi Arabia?

In terms of personal and physical safety as a woman, the possibility of being robbed or assaulted is extremely low. It would be more likely to be involved in a traffic accident than security accidents.

Many testimonies have proven that women can freely go out alone without being harassed but be cautious of lusty stares and the inappropriate male gaze. It is true that it is easy to be objectified as a woman in Saudi Arabia for being different in terms of how the way you look, but by being extra careful, you can assure yourself security.

You don’t really have to wear a hijab to cover your hair, but you have to wear an abaya especially when you’re off the hospital compound.

Outside of work, you can find any hobby or interests you are into there. Apart from the unlimited travel options, you can enjoy your social life by joining various interests groups and formal events.

How is it working as a Filipino nurse in Saudi Arabia?

Every high- skilled professional such as doctors and nurses undergo a rigorous fact-checking from the Saudi Labor Ministry.

Most of the time, nurses are working 44 hours per week. Basically, it is more than the work hours you used to be working full-time here in the Philippines.  You will surely flip day shift to night shift work. Due to nurse shortage, Filipino nurses were pushed to work overload.

Saudi Arabia employs nurses from varying citizenship. This entails differences in terms of standards of nursing education and scope of practices.

In Saudi Arabia, there is a high incidence of metabolic and genetic disorders. If you will be assigned in large hospitals, you will surely have the opportunity to use the latest healthcare gadgets. Saudi Arabia seems to offer wonderful progression opportunities to build nursing careers. One of the exciting opportunities will be the chance to work for some of the world’s most modern and state-of-the-art healthcare facilities.

If you are a Filipino nurse who can adapt at things that are different, embrace cultural differences, and someone who doesn’t take life seriously, you have high chances to survive in Saudi Arabia without any problems. It will be easy for you to make friends and have an amazing social life. After all, your experience in the country will rely mostly on whatever you make out of it.

Benefits still outweigh the negatives if there will be. Working as a Filipino nurse in Saudi Arabia will surely let you pay off all of your debt and have the chance to even travel the world.

If there are common trouble Filipino nurses in Saudi Arabia commonly encounter is being jailed and arrested for fabricating credentials. Misrepresentations and tampering will surely lead you to wrong places and even deportation. By dealing with a reputable recruitment agency, you can avoid encountering such trouble.

Here at Rensol Recruitment, being an ethical staffing agency, we assure that every Filipino nurse will have all their papers validated and will never, in any means, facilitate fraud from happening

ABOUT THE COMPANY: Rensol Recruitment and Consulting, Inc. is the fastest growing recruitment agency in The Philippines. A career consultant that aims to go above and beyond the level of expectations of both the aspirations of the candidates and the dream team standards of employers through providing exceptional opportunities and unparalleled quality-driven recruitment services.

emotional intelligence in healthcare

Emotional intelligence (EQ) has been an important topic in business and organizational leadership for decades. It’s equally important in the health care business. Health care administrators can develop their own EQ skills, and they can also promote EQ in their organizations via employee training. These industry leaders will discover that EQ allows better relationships between colleagues and patients while also improving overall organizational performance.

emotional intelligence benefit to healthcare infographics

Why Emotional Intelligence is Crucial in Health Care

What is Emotional Intelligence?

Psychology professors John D. Mayer and Peter Salovey coined the term “emotional intelligence.” They defined the term as “the ability to accurately perceive your own and others’ emotion; to understand the signals that emotions send about relationships; and to manage your own and others’ emotions.”

In 1998, psychologist Daniel Goleman noted the connection between EQ and business leadership, specifically citing self-awareness, self-regulation, motivation, empathy for others, and social skills as the link’s key components. In 2013, Goleman used neuroscience research to demonstrate how leaders can build each element of EQ by learning better ways to focus their attention.

How Health Care Administrators Hire People with EQ

Health care administrators that seek high-EQ employees see it as a valuable piece along with education, certification, and technical skills. They’ll evaluate EQ by using behavioral event interviewing tactics to see how prospective employees handled challenging experiences in previous jobs. They’ll also contact the candidate’s references to obtain firsthand insight into their people interaction skills.

How EQ Benefits Health Care Professionals

EQ lowers stress and burnout of health care professionals in several ways. It improves communication, yielding better doctor-patient relationships. It provides understanding to a patient’s emotional reactions to a treatment, which leads to higher levels of patient satisfaction. Additionally, it leads to increased job satisfaction, and it also leads to improved leadership quality, which can result in better team effectiveness and motivation.

The Key Skills Administrators Need to Develop

How Administrators can Develop EQ to Become Better Leaders

EQ skills fall into two areas. The first area is personal competence, or the ability to understand and express oneself. This skill requires emotional self-awareness, respecting and accepting oneself, and a commitment to self-improvement. It also involves having an assertive self-expression of emotions, proper stress management, a capacity to stay optimistic, and being able to adapt behavior and emotions in unforeseen circumstances. Additionally, the skill is defined by an ability to control impulses.

The second area is social competence, which is the ability to manages relationships. This skill requires empathy, effective and compassionate communication, and social and organizational awareness. It also requires the capacity to manage conflicts, the ability to inspire and motivate through leadership, and being able to be a coach and mentor. Additionally, the skill is defined by having a sense of social responsibility.

Conclusion: How Technology Can Help

Artificial Intelligence in Health Care Statistics

The healthcare AI market is projected to rise from around $663.8 million in 2014 to around $6.66 billion in 2021. The U.S. health care economy will potentially save an annual amount of $150 billion because of the AI applications projected to be in healthcare by 2026.

These applications can serve a diverse number of purposes. From a security standpoint, AI can help with fraud detection and cybersecurity. AI can also be applied to help nurses and staff by reducing dosage error reduction, providing administrative workflow, and becoming virtual nursing assistants. They can also help out in advanced capacities such as robot-assisted surgery, providing automated image diagnosis, issuing preliminary diagnoses, and identifying clinical trial participants. AI units can all be connected with each other, which could provide cohesion.

 EQ and AI: What’s the Difference?

EQ and AI are two wholly different concepts. AI is defined as a branch of computer science that focuses on allowing machines to solve problems and perform tasks associated with human intelligence. EQ, on the other hand, is a concept defined by the understanding of the emotions of the self and of others to foster personal and professional relationships.

The Potential of AI Technologies and Emotional Intelligence in Health Care

When combined, AI and EQ could advance healthcare in remarkable ways. It could make the assessment of a patient’s moods and feelings through speech cues, inflections, and gestures possible. It could also make it possible to detect depression and emotional wellness through vocal tone. Additionally, it could ease the stress of patient clinical trials by enabling real-time feedback. Overall, it could create a better customer experience by automating intake and discharge processes.

IBM’s Watson has provided a glimpse into this combination. The AI system can potentially match cancer patients with available clinical trials, medical therapies, surgeries, radiation, and supportive care. This could free up physicians, so they could spend more time providing care to patients.

The Importance of EQ

The relationship between EQ and leadership will continue to be a valuable asset for the success of health care organizations. Leaders and employees at all levels stand to benefit from adding EQ to their repertoire of professional skills.