Tag Archive for: Hospitality Recruitment Solutions

Hospitality Workforce

The Food & Beverage, Travel & Tourism, Accommodation, and Recreation are the segments of the hospitality industry which necessitate the need for delivering a service, subject to fulfilling customer satisfaction.

Customer satisfaction in hospitality is affected by different factors, greatest of which is the service quality. It is easy to define service quality, but as always, it is a lot harder to take it into action, especially with the height of the competition in the industry.

As hospitality establishments and services become more available in the market, the higher the demands and expectations of the customers become; which poses a greater challenge to the players in the industry to deliver quality service.

To survive the competition in this sector, one must have the passion and commitment to serving the people – with the aim of making them happy and truly fulfilled. One must know the service etiquettes, must have the capability to socialize, must have a positive attitude, must have an open mind and heart for criticism, and must be dedicated enough to deliver a satisfying service – accustomed to the need of the guest. This involves all people from the senior management to the lower ranks. Thus, finding the right people with the right skills and attitude is vital to the success of hospitality establishments. Today, this is one of the issues arising in the hospitality industry globally – labor and skills shortage as per International Society of Hospitality Consultants (ISHC). Factors stated which contributed to this effect were demographics, wage rates, failure to address worker satisfaction, and a reputation for long hours and long pay.

Studies have shown a direct relationship between employee satisfaction and customer satisfaction – which has a significant impact on the financial performance of an institution; therefore, if companies keep their workforce happy, this will clearly reflect the service they provide, resulting to a positive customer experience. With this, businesses should address the factors that affect talent acquisition on the hospitality industry to be able to attract the right people and to further make improvements on their services, which will impact their business profitability.

A good service will survive the competition in the hospitality industry, but an excellent one will stand out.

Find the most competent talents for your business. Let Rensol be your recruitment partner!

For more information on how to conduct a recruitment campaign in the Philippines, please connect with our Business Development Team at solutions@rensol.com. We will be ready to sit down with you and understand your concerns and configure a recruitment plan to ensure better success.

ABOUT THE COMPANY: Rensol Recruitment and Consulting, Inc. is the fastest growing recruitment agency in The Philippines. A career consultant that aims to go above and beyond the level of expectations of both the aspirations of the candidates and the dream team standards of employers through providing exceptional opportunities and unparalleled quality-driven recruitment services.

Case Study - Oil Company

Client Problem: Original Partner Recruitment Agency of a Restaurant Chain in Dubai Deploys Candidates Who Do not Undergo Thorough Background Check

  • Deployed workers in Dubai consistently displayed unruly behavior such as violent tendencies towards their co-workers, using their mobile devices while working and loudly talking to customers.
  • Upon reviewing the recruitment process of their former partner agency, background check and character referencing seemed skipped.

Rensol’s Solution: Recommended Disciplinary Action to Control Workers’ Attitudes; Turn Over of Recruitment

  • Valuing the plight of every worker overseas, Rensol Recruitment, as the partner agency who took over, recommended imposition of necessary disciplinary action. This comes with the belief that appropriate reprimand can make an improvement to their workers’ behavior.
  • With the nature of the hospitality industry, Rensol jumped in and took over the recruitment for the restaurant chain and utilized specialized background checking and strict character referencing prior deployment.

Background check in every candidate is a recruitment protocol that should not be skipped. Without the standard assessment, recruitment could be a wide door open for possible theft, sexual harassment, violence, fraud, or even drug addiction in the job site. This ethical practice could not just save their people and their customers from possible harm, but their reputation as well, as a hospitality service provider.

Recruitment with little or completely without the background check is a negligent process. Abandoning this step or overlooking the result is a habit that could endanger everyone in the workplace.

Case in Point: A Recruitment Agency who Skips Backgrounding to Expedite Process

A restaurant chain in Dubai consistently received reports from their branch managers that some staff recruited from Asia exhibited mild to alarming misbehaviors which include stealing, physical violence, and altercation. The corresponding reprimand was given to each worker but what bothers the owner the most is that the trend of incidences has been consistent and unrelenting. The owner has been worrying that if this continues, it may cause further harm to their customers, their workers, and worse, the business itself.

The owner asked their first partner recruitment agency to present a report on their professional and criminal background to assess the problem of each worker, but the original agency can’t provide substantial documents. The owner concluded that the recruitment firm may have resorted to skipping some processes, including background checks, that made their process unbelievably fast.

Workers who reach multiple reprimands were subjected to background checking and several of them have tainted records that should’ve been reported to them before their deployment in the first place. Upon learning the failure of recruitment that they never knew had transpired, the owner decided to consult another recruitment firm to know the proper course of action to take.

Rensol’s Strict Background Check and Due Diligence

Rather than termination, Rensol Recruitment recommended that problematic staff be subjected to disciplinary action to manage their behaviors. Rensol shared some talent management guide to the owner as to how they can avoid the worst-case scenario. This will be a lot more cost-effective than rehiring staff all over again.

Rensol believed that overlooking those “repetitive” bad behaviors during the recruitment process is a failure of recruitment. There is nothing costlier than hiring the wrong person.

The employer decided to stop sourcing candidates from their former partner because of negligent hiring. Hence, they turned over the partnership to Rensol Recruitment for their succeeding recruitment needs. With evidently arduous process and transparent reporting on statuses of candidates, the owner was assured that every candidate deployed is the best in quality and has foolproof clean records.

Rensol is strict with its recruitment standards and policies. Every candidate is treated with a comprehensive background check on a case-by-case basis and their past records were assessed based on its probable impact on their respective job sites.

The standard for a restaurant workplace is an extensive checking of their criminal and drug records, psychological and medical history, social security status and professional reputation. Rensol assured the company that all deployed employees are covered with due diligence to avoid problem employees in the future, which the former partner agency forgot to secure.

ABOUT THE COMPANY: Rensol Recruitment and Consulting, Inc. is the fastest growing recruitment agency in The Philippines. A career consultant that aims to go above and beyond the level of expectations of both the aspirations of the candidates and the dream team standards of employers through providing exceptional opportunities and unparalleled quality-driven recruitment services.

Sharing services like Airbnb and Uber are disruptive innovations.

In a study conducted by a researcher from the Research Centre at The Netherlands, the emergence of the sharing economy may have been favorable for most of today’s consumers but affected industries consider these advancements as enemies to economic growth.  These unintendedly push for the demise of its traditional counterparts (Oskam, 2016).

Only a few have initiated to reinvent themselves to play along with the game their modern competitor has been winning. As per hotels, Airbnb is not just an enemy but is the technology they still have to adapt.

The Hurting Impact

Airbnb is now regarded by the Business Insider as the largest hotel chain without owning a single hotel since its conception in 2008. This platform has been doing the old things by trying the new ways. The utilization of digital technology and social media in the marketplace provided a holistic user experience with regards to consumer choices.

It has been inconclusive if Airbnb really caused the deflating hotel bookings, but the ballooning industry of Airbnb is undeniable in its own extent. Apart from moving people to spaces away from establishments, their recent campaign on “living like a local” was embraced by millennial travelers. Airbnb has also established their online reputation system where previous guests can leave a rating and review.

Intimate and Personal

At the very least, learn from your toughest competitor.

Personalizing the experience like has been the trend among generation renters, the millennials. However, hotels need staff who they can talk to 24/7 and to be accountable for their whole hotel experience.

Information outsourcing equips industries with the kind of technology to supplement this need. Apart from better quality of personalized services, hotels will also have access to in-house advertising campaigns and marketing designs, alongside. Technology workers could also provide hotels with specified programs and apps, organize their logistics, and even manage their internal processes. Recruiting highly-skilled staff of solutions team is not as risky as partnering with outsourcing companies yet as cost-effective as it will upgrade your services a lot to a whole new level. (Read more: https://rensol.com/hospitality-industry-recruitment/)

Equipped with your own technology department, you can now easily outsource direct services such as laundry, cleaning, restaurant, janitorial, and even emergency issues. It can also scope reservations, technical support, customer care, airport transfers, and a lot more. This may also include add-on services such as access to airline bookings, travel agents, tourism offices, public transport, or car rentals.

The Philippines, which is a hotspot for information technology talents, has deployed over a million workers to aid in various industries to different parts of the world (Read more: https://rensol.com/fill-local-employment-retail-hospitality-industries/). The hospitality industry has been shifting to higher degrees of process automation. Recruitment of technology talents in hospitality would be a great leap to take the game to your advantage and to reclaim the territory back to its rightful owner.


Airbnb: the future of networked hospitality businesses by Jeroen Oskam, 2016 (https://www.emeraldinsight.com/doi/full/10.1108/JTF-11-2015-0048)

ABOUT THE COMPANY: Rensol Recruitment and Consulting, Inc. is the fastest growing recruitment agency in The Philippines. A career consultant that aims to go above and beyond the level of expectations of both the aspirations of the candidates and the dream team standards of employers through providing exceptional opportunities and unparalleled quality-driven recruitment services.

Case Study - Oil Company

Client Problem: Hospitality staff caught stealing from hotel guest’s luggage.

  • Filipino bellboy opened a luggage when guest was away, and the guest complained of missing jewelries.
  • He was caught on CCTV and the footage of the incident was uploaded on social media.
  • The video scandal made rounds online swiftly.

 RENSOL’s Solution: Investigation, Disciplinary Action, Intensive Background Checking

  • Rensol Recruitment imposed disciplinary action toward the accused employee as provided in Art. 145 of the Revised Philippine Overseas Employment Administration Rules and Regulations Governing the Recruitment and Employment of Land- based Overseas Filipino Workers of 2016.
  • The Philippine Partner Recruitment Agency employed a more intensive background check and rigorous character referencing in screening candidates for hotel and restaurant sites moving forward.

Theft in hospitality is not uncommon. It is not as rampant as we think but it is not also an isolated case to ignore. While the nature of the industry makes it more prone to opportunities of stealing from guests, honesty and integrity are still expected among hotel employees.

Case on Point: Resolution given for a Travel Hotspot

A Filipino bellman of a famous hotel and resort in the Middle East got sacked after having caught stealing jewelries from a guest’s luggage. CCTV footages showed that he opened her luggage while the guest was away. The accused didn’t plead no contest to charges of stealing as all evidences prodded him. He confessed that he was forced to steal from the guest because of his father who got ill. He pawned the jewelries he stole and sent the money to his family in the Philippines.

Unfortunately, a copy of the CCTV was uploaded online, and it became viral on different social media sites. As much as the hotel valued the service of the Filipino bellboy, who has been a reliable and trustworthy employee for more than three years, they can’t just tolerate the damage that the incident has caused their reputation as a major tourism destination.

It is good that the accuser didn’t push through sending the employee to jail but was only terminated and repatriated to save the company from further embarrassment.

Rensol Intervention

As their global partner recruitment agency in The Philippines, Rensol assures that their partnership does not end with just providing the principal a competitive manpower. They are guaranteed with a friend and a defender in times of need and serious crises. That is how they build lasting relationships. As soon as Rensol received the incident report, it was acted upon accordingly even if it was above and beyond their mandate as a recruitment agency.

Rensol made the proper intervention to manage the case.

  1. Upon receiving the report, Rensol coordinated with the hotel, the aggrieved party, and the accused to follow the progress of the investigation and the decision on penalties to be charged. They assisted the hotel with their best practices in crisis management and employed necessary measures to settle the dispute peacefully.
  2. Upon repatriation, The Philippine partner recruitment agency temporarily disqualified the dismissed employee to participate in any overseas employment program from the agency for a year as a standard disciplinary measure.

Employee theft in hospitality services can only be prevented by hiring people on whom employers can trust. A hospitality recruitment agency should have the best practices on pre-screening candidates, which includes an ethical system of backgrounding.

Aside from strictly seeking for clearance from the National Bureau of Investigations, Rensol conducts intensive reference check among every candidate before referring them to any client. By checking each applicant’s criminal backgrounds, they systematically eliminate culprits from their pool of potential hires. They also require each to have valid character references to counter check their academic background, professional track record, and even family history.

Rensol is also one of the very few recruitment agencies out of more than a thousand in the Philippines who can conduct their own Pre-departure Orientation Seminar (PDOS) where workers will be oriented on prior consequences of misconducts like theft.

ABOUT THE COMPANY: Rensol Recruitment and Consulting, Inc. is the fastest growing recruitment agency in The Philippines. A career consultant that aims to go above and beyond the level of expectations of both the aspirations of the candidates and the dream team standards of employers through providing exceptional opportunities and unparalleled quality-driven recruitment services.